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Numeracy at MEA

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Our whole academy approach to numeracy is concerned with being ready to see a problem as numerical, to look for numerical solutions and to spot patterns and connections. Within this, it is also necessary to build ‘numeracy resilience’ by enabling students (and all stakeholders) to see the personal value of numeracy, believing that they can improve and putting in the effort where it is needed, accepting that, at times, everyone struggles in order to succeed. Thus, our strategy is intended to impact upon students’ self-esteem, motivation, behaviour and attainment..



Numeracy at MEA aims to develop numeracy confidence, competence and resilience in all stakeholders to ensure that students are independent, confident and successful learners who can select, apply and understand a range of mathematical knowledge in a range of contexts. A love of numeracy is developed by making connections between the numeracy used in each discipline to real life situations and a range of enrichment opportunities.


Students are provided with the opportunity to engage with high quality material, developing a range of strategies to embed numeracy. Making connections to and developing awareness of numeracy demands in each discipline will ensure that knowledge is carefully sequenced. Links to real life applications and careers ensures that students understand how their learning could look and be applied in their next stage of learning.


Numeracy is a driver for social mobility. We are passionate in ensuring that students can calculate fluently, reason and solve problems, selecting the appropriate strategy for a wide range of everyday situations. The numeracy approach at MEA focuses on all aspects of numeracy (disciplinary and numeracy needed for everyday life) as well as strategies to develop knowledge of facts, concepts and mathematical thinking. This underpins students’ access to a broad, balanced, rich and inclusive curriculum experience.


Through the discussion of numeracy in the context of its real life applications, connections to careers, and key mathematicians behind the concepts and facts, students are able to articulate how and why numeracy extends beyond the academic curriculum and has an impact on the local, national and global communities. The development of strategies for reasoning and problem solving alongside resilience, character and a world class attitude to learning truly prepares students for becoming leaders beyond the constraints of academy life.


At Moor End Academy, we engage in research-based practice to positively impact upon our students and continually strive for excellence. As such, our numeracy approach is informed by the research carried out by National Numeracy and the EEF To ensure consistency and clarity, numeracy definitions have been created to support our curriculum drivers.


Continued professional development and collaboration supports teachers in every curriculum area to teach students how to apply and develop numeracy effectively in their subject specialism.


Opportunities to promote and embed numeracy skills needed to be successful in everyday life are embraced through the wider curriculum.


In a variety of contexts across the curriculum, students will:
• Develop their use of numbers and the number system.
• Develop their ability to calculate (add, subtract, multiply and divide).
• Develop their use of geometry (their ability to measure and explore shape and space).
• Develop their ability to handle information using graphs and charts, comparing sets and types of data.


Employing numeracy in a variety of contexts across the curriculum, students will:
• Be able to select and interpret information.
• Be able to apply knowledge of the number system; operations and calculations; geometry (shape, space and measurement) and methods of handling information;
• Be able to identify structures, search for sequences, patterns and connections.
• Be able to predict, trial and check.
• Be able to use estimates, and context to check that a solution is reasonable.


• Develop a shared understanding, for all stakeholders, of how to incorporate and benefit from numeracy across the curriculum.
• Support teachers to promote disciplinary numeracy in their subject specialisms through appropriate and ongoing professional development.
• Develop explicit links between numeracy and other subjects, promoting cross-curricular cooperation.
• Develop and monitor a tailored program of numeracy intervention focusing upon identified gaps in learning, enabling students to access the KS3 and KS4 Mathematics curriculum.
• Recognise and celebrate examples of high-quality numeracy practice from across the curriculum.
• Promote resilience and confidence through the development of cultural capital and enrichment, extending to all stakeholders.



Students can work at or above age-related expectations, having increased confidence and resilience. Students can articulate numeracy strategies to help them work independently. Students can calculate fluently, reason and solve problems in a range of numerical contexts.


Students can adopt high-quality written and oral reasoning and problem solving, making connections across topics and disciplines and selecting relevant strategies to support them. Students can draw on previous knowledge, use correct language and notation and reflect on work using metacognitive tools to identify next steps.


Students, including those who are disadvantaged and those who have SEND, make strong progress from starting points across the curriculum, as a result of excellent curriculum implementation. Students gain qualifications to enable successful progression to relevant and high- quality post 16 destinations that match their interests and aspirations. Students are ready for the next stage beyond our setting and high rates of students remain in education or training.


Students are confident in articulating the importance of numeracy in everyday life. They are better able to understand the world around them using numeracy knowledge and skills.


Numeracy Across the Curriculum


• Driven by a teaching for understanding approach.,

• Carefully sequenced learning - designed to check and build on previous knowledge in line with the national curriculum – is informed by high-quality and consistent diagnostic assessment.

• Interleaving, non-standard examples and the complexity of problem solving increases over the 5 year plan.

• Consistent and sustained use of mathematical language, notation (QWC) and oracy is a key feature of lessons.

• Meaningful and personalized homework for all year groups designed to practice and retrieve key facts, knowledge and concepts in line with schemes of work.

• Research informed approach to teaching using relevant NCETM and Maths Hubs guidance, EEF and Guidance reports.


• Common topics and approaches are shared with the wider academy staff to provide guidance and consistency.

• Professional development is delivered to share the vision for numeracy, importance of disciplinary numeracy and key strategies.

• Regular bitesize PD to share key research and connections between numeracy and the MEA visions and ethos.

• Support and collaboration – informal and formal – between subjects to develop numeracy opportunities. Best practice shared is in staff newsletters.

Numeracy Intervention

• Use of IDL Numeracy screener and Sparx Maths platforms to provide high-quality intervention. Early identification of pupils requiring support through the development of effective partnerships with feeder schools, increased awareness of KS1 and KS2 schemes and effective transition practices between KS2 and KS3 and KS3 and KS4.

• Numeracy intervention for identified cohort of catch up and SEND students, delivered by a trained SEND TA. Consistent use of TA support in class for this cohort.

• Implement research-informed strategies within mathematics lessons to improve progress where they have been identified as working below age-related expectations.(e.g. manipulatives, CPA approach, numeracy ninjas, variation, intelligent practice and interweaving)

• Use summative assessment data to review and modify the curriculum model (e.g. SATS QLA data, GCSE data, QLA from assessments, chief examiner reports etc.)

• Use of Venn diagrams to identify students who are working below age-related expectations or show a decreased confidence or resilience to the subject.

• Communication through whole academy PD systems of National Curriculum expectations at different stages throughout KS1 to KS4.

• Achieve grouping (primary focused small group learning and teaching).

• Student voice to ascertain and review student attitudes and confidence towards numeracy.

Numeracy for Daily Life and Enrichment

• ‘Super-Curriculum’ and progression maps in student books to highlight and help articulate numeracy connections across the curriculum.

• Non-compulsory HWK to develop identified target areas and challenge

• GCSE boosters. Held weekly for Foundation, Higher and Crossover tiers. Further Maths offered as an enrichment opportunity. Booster sessions held in half term for targeted Year 11 students.

• Pi Club held weekly for KS3 (with some provision to support all students with HWK). Develops numeracy skills, curiosity and mathematical thinking.

• Games Club held weekly for KS3 students. To develop problem solving strategies and reasoning in a games context.

• Pi Day – whole academy celebration day of key concepts relating to irrational numbers.

• NPSCC Number Day – highlights numeracy needed for daily life and careers which require numeracy knowledge and skills. Cross curricular connections made through numeracy focused grapples in all subjects in the academy.

• History of Maths Week models key mathematicians who have had an impact in many fields. This has focused on Turing, Pythagoras, Pascal, Kovalevskaya , Eratosthenes, Fibonacci, Venn, Ramanujan and Trachtenberg.

• Alan Turing Cryptology Competition (Manchester University) to promote resilience, conditional knowledge and problem solving skills.

• Academy drop down days and focused activities (HMD, Careers, problem solving, life skills)

• Maths Escape Room – Subject Revolution to promote mathematical confidence and positive attitudes.