Black Lives Matter
Teaching an Inclusive Curriculum
Response to George Floyd
Black Lives Matter – we are all equal!
Five years ago, Jo Cox delivered her maiden speech in Parliament. When Jo was murdered a little over a year later the speech went viral. Millions of people across the country realised that Jo was speaking for them when she said, “We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us”. Community meant everything to Jo. As it means everything to us. Our community is diverse, and we embrace and celebrate this, for it makes us stronger.
Following the horrific murder of George Floyd by a white police officer in Minneapolis, the instinctive initial response by many has been to take to the streets and protest, demanding justice. His death has, rightly, caused an immediate response of grief and anger, as well as the examination by individuals and organisations across the world about how we respond to such deaths and the racism that they expose in Western society. Events are happening around the world, across America but also in Europe and the UK. The social movement Black Lives Matter have stated, "We are doing this to place pressure on the American government and show that this is a worldwide issue."
As both an academy and a community we are committed to educating our students to have the confidence to challenge and act like leaders who want to make a positive difference. At the academy we pride ourselves on educating our students about current events, and having open and honest conversations about matters which others might shy away from. Student voice is powerful, as are the regular opportunities to reflect on our world. Our tutor programme includes a weekly “Big question” which enables our students to participate in healthy discussion about current local and global issues. Our PSHE programme and Citizenship curriculum support our students to think differently and have the confidence to voice their thoughts in a respectful manner.
As Nelson Mandela stated, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” We encourage our students to “Be the best – become the leaders of tomorrow!” and it is this aspiration, for every single one of our students, which will help bring about systemic change. Our future is what we make it.