Quick Links

Quick Links


If you have any questions about the Academy please do not hesitate to contact our main office by telephone or email. 

Telephone:  01484 222230  Email:  office@edu.moorend.org


A Selection of FAQs

How do I report a student absence?

In the rare event of your child being absent please ring attendance on  01422 222230 then select Option 1, to report their absence.  For further information see the Attendance page.

Will I need to provide lunch for the transition days?

All students will be provided with a packed lunch for the days. If your child has an allergy or specific dietary requirements we ask these are provided for the days.

How do I contact my child's teacher / head of year?

You can use the Contact Form on the website and your message will be passed onto the appropriate member of staff.  For urgent queries you can ring the school switchboard.

Who do I contact if my child has additional needs?

Please contact our SENDCo – Miss McMurray

My child has lost an item - how do we find it?

All lost property is handed into the Main Office.  Your child can call outside of lesson time to see if their lost item has been handed in.

How do I get my child some extra help in ....?

If you are seeking additional academic support then your child’s subject teacher would be the first point of contact.

For non academic support you may wish to contact your child’s form tutor in the first instance.

How can I inform the school of any changes contact details or home address for myself or child?
If your details change during the year you can let us know by ringing the school switchboard or by Email office@edu.moorend.org.